1. Discover opportunities
When you visit a community, you can view any opportunities that have been launched by that community by clicking the “Opportunities” icon that appears underneath the community name, or by clicking the “Opportunities” tab in the fixed menu that appears down the left-hand-side of the community’s feed.
You will then see individual “cards” representing each opportunity. Towards the bottom left of the banner image on each card, you will find a label that sets out the category of the opportunity (e.g. Contest, Challenge, Funding etc.).
To find out more about a specific opportunity, click the card to visit the relevant opportunity page.
2. Apply for a specific opportunity
Once you have opened a specific opportunity page, you can apply for the opportunity using the relevant call-to-action button towards the top of the opportunity page. The call to action and subsequent application process will depend on the nature of the opportunity.
You can view details about the opportunity via the “About” tab on the left-hand side of the opportunity page, including the relevant deadlines and any applicable guidance.
3: Keep up to date with information about an opportunity
Clicking “Interested” at the top of an opportunity page will enable you to keep abreast of related news and developments (these updates will appear on your feed).
You can also share details about the opportunity across a range of social media channels by clicking the “Share” button at the top of the opportunity page.