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  2. Projects
  3. Accessing your project page

Accessing your project page

Once you have created your project, you can access your project page via the dropdown menu that appears when you click your profile name in the menu bar (on the top right of your screen). 

Customize your Project landing page 
Briefly describe your Project to the global WorldLabs network.This should include a summary of what the Project was set up to represent or achieve, including its mission and any requirements for collaborators. 

Enable others to discover your projects 
Enable others to discover your projects Complete your Project to ensure that your idea or initiative is discoverable within the global WorldLabs network. Stand out from the crowd Stand out from the crowd Customize your Project to effectively represent and showcase your idea or initiative. 

This will help you to meet collaborators, seek investment, build your user base, showcase your portfolio and gather momentum. Collaborate with others Collaborate with others Complete your Project to unlock access to the WorldLabs GlobalMarketplace.

From here, you’ll be able to find co-founders, investors, freelancers and other collaborators from a range of countries, industries and other organizations. Enter contests Enter contests Completing your Project will enable you to enter contests and seamlessly apply for access to unique opportunities and insights, including accelerator programs, funding schemes, research grants and more.

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